Aladdin's cave?阿拉丁的洞窟?六个和《阿拉丁》相关的俚语来啦!


at one's wits' end


We always call our younger brother “Little Loki,” since he's such a trouble-maker, like the god of mischief. We're all at our wits' end with him.
我们总是称我们的弟弟为「小洛基」 ,因为他真的很会惹麻烦,就像这位恶作剧之神一样,我们都拿他没办法。

Aladdin's lamp


A: What is it that you truly desire? 
A: 你内心深处最想要什么?

B: I want to be rich, smart, and have the ability to master all languages in the world. 
B: 我想要变有钱、变聪明,还要有精通所有语言的能力。

A: I wish I was Aladdin's lamp, so I could grant you three wishes. 
A: 我希望我是阿拉丁的神灯,这样就能满足你三个愿望了。

Aladdin's cave


The zoo is an Aladdin's cave of animals for enthusiastic animal lovers. 动物园就像动物狂热者的宝库一样。

diamond in the rough

即「未经雕琢的钻石」,比喻「面恶心善、举止粗鲁但内心善良的人」,电影中贾方(Jafar) 不断提到要把diamond in the rough 送进神奇洞穴(cave of wonders) ,以取得传说中的神灯。百老汇音乐剧的版本也有以Diamond in the Rough 为歌名的歌曲哦!

He looks sloppy and boorish, but it turns out that he's a diamond in the rough. 他看起来懒散又粗鲁,但后来发现他的内心与外表截然不同。

double down on sth.

即「加倍努力或决心(以完成一项任务)」之意,原本这个说法来自博奕游戏,指下注加码,后引申表「加倍努力」。威尔史密斯在访谈中提过《阿拉丁》的拍摄团队里“Everyone doubled down on getting it right” (每个人都加倍努力做到最好)。

In order to make her dream of being an actress come true, she doubled down on getting auditions. 为了实现当演员的梦想,她加倍努力争取试镜机会。

a crick in one's neck

crick 是「扭伤」的意思,而「脖子的扭伤」可以引申为「落枕」的意思。卡通版阿拉丁把精灵召唤出来时,精灵就说了句“10,000 years will give you such a crick in the neck” (关一万年真的会落枕)。

A: I really have to call in sick today. 
A: 我今天真的要打电话请病假。

B: What's wrong? Are you alright? 
B: 怎么了?你还好吗?

A: I got a crick in the neck from sleeping in an awkward position last night. 
A: 我昨天因为睡得不舒服所以落枕了。