irreverent (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[irreverent 词源字典]
mid-15c., from Latin irreverentem (see irreverence). Related: Irreverently (early 15c.); irreverential. [irreverent etymology, irreverent origin, 英语词源]
reverent (adj.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
late 14c., "reverend;" late 15c., "characterized by reverence, deeply respectful," from Old French reverent and directly from Latin reverentem (nominative reverens), present participle of revereri (see reverence). The sense of "reverend" was common 14c. through 17c. Related: Reverently.
sepulchre (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
also sepulcher, c. 1200, "tomb, burial place," especially the cave where Jesus was buried outside Jerusalem (Holy Sepulcher or Saint Sepulcher), from Old French sepulcre "tomb; the Holy Sepulchre" (11c.), from Latin sepulcrum "grave, tomb, place where a corpse is buried," from root of sepelire "to bury, embalm," originally "to perform rituals on a corpse," from PIE *sep-el-yo-, suffixed form of root *sep- (2) "to handle (skillfully), to hold (reverently);" cognates: Sanskrit saparyati "honors." No reason for the -ch- spelling, which dates to 13c. Whited sepulchre "hypocrite" is from Matt. xxiii.27.