1. They listen with rapt attention to the holy sermons of the saints and learned Jain scholars arranged during the ten-day festival.

-- 来源 -- www.jainworld.com

2. These celebrations harbinger social harmony and amity and preach the lofty Jain motto Live and Let live.

-- 来源 -- www.jainworld.com

3. Maha Parva- It is an ancient and chief of all Jain festival.

-- 来源 -- www.jainworld.com

4. Govind Jain says: Happiness is the state of mind nothing else.

-- 来源 -- xoyu.bokee.com

5. JAIN, Dinesh K.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]

6. This short treatise on Jain philosophy written purely in a missionary spirit throws ample light on the ten universal supreme virtues of Jainism.

-- 来源 -- www.jainworld.com

7. When the ten day celebration are over, this festival leaves behind deep impress on the mind and heart of every Jain- young and old.

-- 来源 -- www.jainworld.com

8. The non-Jains also express high reverence for this Jain festival.

-- 来源 -- www.jainworld.com

9. Very often the Jain scholars viz. poets and writers get their literary works initiated during the festival days and thus pay their homage to this grand festival.

-- 来源 -- www.jainworld.com

10. In truth, Jain philosophy of non-violence, truth, renunciation, non-attachment and chastity is a panacea for this ailing humanity, which has been aspiring for eternal peace and happiness for long.

-- 来源 -- www.jainworld.com