1. In Chapter 24, we discussed the bulletin dialog, commonly issued by applications when they have problems or confront decisions they don’t feel capable of making, or really any time they have something to notify users about.

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2. The task of data entry is becoming less a mass-production job and more of a productivity job: a job performed by intelligent, capable professionals and, with the popularization of e-commerce, directly by customers.
数据输入的任务已经不是大规模生产的工作,正在成为高生产率的工作,即一项由有才能并具有专业能力的人员完成的工作。 随着电子商务的到来,数据输入直接由客户来操作。

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3. Fudgeability can be difficult to build into a computer system because it demands a considerably more capable interface.

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4. One of the ways in which products are least capable in this regard is when the user is required to enter data.

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5. Yet, we are all capable of rapidly memorizing and using such idioms: We do so almost without realizing it.

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6. Long before children are capable of using and understanding verbal language, they possess the ability to differentiate between objects with contrasting visual treatments.

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7. Ultimately, we believe that properly conducted open-ended interviews are quite capable of exploring these aspects of the user’s mental model.

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8. When you think about it, it’s pretty obvious that for a person to perceive an interactive product as considerate and smart, that product must have some knowledge about the person and be capable of learning from their behavior.

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9. Thanks to science fiction writers and futurists, there is some confusion about what it means for an interactive product to be smart. Some naive observers think that smart software is actually capable of behaving intelligently.

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10. In general, we’ve found this approach to be acceptable for a technical audience that is capable of imagining how a few drawings might represent a product interface.

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