1. Most software, on the other hand, doesn’t know or care who is using it.

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2. However, these types of dialogs must be designed with care.

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3. You must position the mouse cursor with great care, taking your attention away from the data you are scrolling.

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4. Because users will stare at a sovereign application for long periods, you should take care to mute the colors and texture of the visual presentation.

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5. However, care needs to be taken to ensure that this feedback is itself not too loud or distracting.

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6. If naive users are part of the target market for a domain-specific product, care must be taken to support domain-naive behaviors. Environmental considerations

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7. You should take great care in choosing a photograph.

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8. In most cases, users don’t care if their job is accomplished with hierarchical databases, relational databases, object-oriented databases, flat-file systems, or black magic.

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9. What we care about is getting our job done swiftly, effectively, and with a modicum of ease and dignity.

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10. Interviewers must take care not to make these technologies too obtrusive; otherwise, the users will be distracted and behave differently than they would off-tape.

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