1. This is, by and large, a useful translation, but it’s worth considering that some idioms don’t work as well with smaller screens, styluses, and four-way rocker switches.

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2. While this certainly isn’t a comprehensive list, it’s worth considering the following:

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3. We peer in the window at our leisure, considering, choosing, or ignoring the goods offered to us—no questions asked.
我们可以在有空时观看橱窗,考虑,然后选择。 或者不理会所提供的商品,没有问题要问;否则选择就会像审问一样强加给我们。

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4. If your application deals with one primary document or object type, it’s worth considering whether it makes sense to use that for the menu name.

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5. Something worth considering here is that even a customer who has visited your site several times before and may be familiar with what you offer and with Web interaction idioms in general, may not visit your site frequently enough to memorize organizational constructs.

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6. Regardless of how desirable your designs are to customers and users, without considering the viability and feasibility of the proposed solution there is no chance that the product will thrive.

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7. It’s worth considering that while the first two basically behave like mice (with different ergonomic factors), tablets and touch screens are a bit different.

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8. Of course, visual design must serve both of these ends, as well as the effective communication of key brand attributes, which is often particularly important considering the commercial nature of most transactional sites.
当然视觉设计也是必需的,它服务于上述两个方面。 也是有效传递关键品牌属性的手段,这是大多数交易类网站中特别重要的商业本质。

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9. Although companies have been considering the implications of brand as it relates to traditional marketing and communication channels for some time now, many companies are just beginning to address branding in terms of the customer experience.

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10. When considering whether it makes sense for personas to have business or social relationships, think about:

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