1. See HaoJianGuo so impulsive, cow a bud also gravamen!


2. Ignore the Irene sitting next to, continue to play a tone of sorrow for cattle Ming gravamen.
纳姆无视艾琳坐在旁边,继续扮出一副悲痛的模样替牛类鸣不平。 。


3. I often by the side of the soil wall of the high gravamen, the side of agrestal HUA TAI2, squat down under own body, make body and spend a pedestal similar and high, settle to scrutinize.


4. In the eighth route army soldiers for Chen Sanchuan Ming gravamen, nations soldier requires superior shot Chen Sanchuan, both sides stalemate in the humiliating to white-hot phase.
旁听的八路军战士为陈三川鸣不平,国军战士则要求上级枪毙陈三川,双方陷入到僵持状态将公审大会推向白热化阶断。 。


5. In the eighth route army soldiers for Chen Sanchuan Ming gravamen, nations soldier requires superior shot Chen Sanchuan, both sides stalemate in the humiliating to white-hot phase.
旁听的八路军战士为陈三川鸣不平,国军战士则要求上级枪毙陈三川,双方陷入到僵持状态将公审大会推向白热化阶断。 。


6. The Sell with the spring onion and the garlic street head, I am doubly touching for gentleman.Regard as the spring onion and garlic to the Orchids so in the big top business, I am to call for Orchids gravamen.

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