1. Between first-time users and intermediate users there are many people who use sovereign applications only on occasion.

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2. It was surely fun to design but was not particularly easy to use after you became an intermediate.

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3. When a prospective buyer considers your product, he will trust the expert’s opinion more than an intermediate’s.

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4. But the knowledge that they are there is reassuring to the perpetual intermediate, convincing him that he made the right choice investing in this product.

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5. It doesn’t cater to the beginner or to the expert, but rather devotes the bulk of its efforts to satisfying the perpetual intermediate.

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6. Neither menus nor dialog boxes have this immediate property. Each one requires an intermediate step, sometimes more than one.

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7. No intermediate states are recognized or accepted.

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8. We need to spend more time making our products powerful and easy to use for perpetual intermediate users.

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9. But if the resort wants to stay in business, it will cater to the perpetual intermediate skier, without scaring off the beginner or insulting the expert.

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10. This means that online help is a perpetual intermediate tool. They use it by way of the index, so that part of help must be very comprehensive.

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