1. Perhaps the most significant issue in 3D interaction on a 2D screen is that surrounding lack of parallax, the binocular ability to perceive depth.

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2. Designing for the visceral level means designing what the senses initially perceive, before any deeper involvement with a product or artifact occurs.

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3. Orientation can be difficult to perceive with some shapes or at small sizes, though, so it’s best used as a secondary communication vector.

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4. According to this principle (which is based in research), people perceive more aesthetically pleasing designs as easier to use than less aesthetically pleasing designs, regardless of actual functionality.

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5. The model for how the software actually works is called the implementation model. The way users perceive the jobs they need to do and how the program helps them do it is their mental model of interaction with the software.

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6. Figure 25-2: This is how most users perceive error message dialog boxes. They see them as Kafkaesque interrogations with each successive choice leading to a yet blacker pit of retribution and regret.
图25-2 这是大多数用户理解错误信息对话框的方式,用户把这当做卡夫卡式的审问,每个后续的选择都会导致惩罚和悔恨。

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7. When two objects share properties, users will assume they are related or similar. When users perceive contrast in these properties, they assume the items are not related, and the items with the greatest contrast tend to demand our attention.

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8. Contrasts in value are something people perceive quickly and easily, so value can be a good tool for drawing attention to elements that need to stand out.

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9. When you think about it, it’s pretty obvious that for a person to perceive an interactive product as considerate and smart, that product must have some knowledge about the person and be capable of learning from their behavior.

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10. Like size, value can be dissociative; if a photo is too dark or light, for example, you can no longer perceive what’s in it.
和尺寸一样,值可以是游离的。 比如,如果一个照片太亮或者太暗,那么你就很难看清楚照片拍摄的是什么。

-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓