1. Development time and effort are also reduced because formal interface standards provide ready-made decisions on the rendering of the interface that development teams would otherwise be forced to debate during project meetings.

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2. Customer training and technical support costs are reduced because the consistency that standards bring improves ease of use and learning.

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3. Significant advantages arise when the storage system is reduced in importance and the retrieval system is separated from it and significantly enhanced.

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4. Usually, this sort of measurement can be quite elusive because it can rarely be reduced to a quantifiable factor alone.

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5. Analyzer start-up time is considerably reduced.

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6. As with normal list boxes, there is a drop-down variant that has a reduced impact on screen real estate.

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7. Finally, good standards can lead to reduced maintenance costs and improved reuse of design and code.

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8. If the information provided by the alert were built into the main Find dialog, the user’s burden would be reduced by half.

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9. It could be enlarged or reduced as needed, and could provide a reality check and global navigation method in case the user gets lost in space (note that this kind of thumbnail view is useful for navigating large 2D diagrams as well).

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10. This has obvious benefits to users: with all the information and controls related to a given subject in a single place, users don’t have to search around the interface as much for a given function, and navigation excise is reduced.

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