1. The program may subsequently reject it, of course, but users can still enter it.

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2. Some variants can get pretty intelligent and reject some numbers based on live calculations, for example, unless they pass a checksum algorithm.

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3. If these are the only restrictions, however, the text edit control can be designed to reject nonalphabetic characters and similarly disallow more than 30 characters to be entered into the field. This, however, brings up interaction issues surrounding validation.

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4. It is better to make a user ask explicitly for configuration one time in ten than it is to make a user reject the configuration interface nine times in ten.

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5. Some controls reject any keystrokes other than the numeric digits 0 through 9. Other controls reject spaces, tabs, dashes, and other punctuation in real time.

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6. After filling in 10 or 11 fields, a user might click the Submit button, and, due to some mistake or omission on his part, have the site reject his input and tell him to correct it.
在填完10个或11个字段之后,用户可能单击提交按钮。 但由于这部分输入有错误或者漏失,站点拒绝其输入并提示纠正。

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7. This is not correct; the proper time to reject changes is when the changes are made.

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8. Some controls reject users’ keystrokes as they are entered. When a control actively rejects keystrokes during the entry process, this is an example of active validation.

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9. When, for example, a user creates an invoice for a customer without an ID number, most applications reject the entry.

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10. What’s more, if you ask users themselves, they will reject the new solution because they abhor change, particularly when that change affects something they have already worked hard to master—like the file system.
更重要的是,如果你问用户,他们会反对这种新的解决方法。 因为他们痛恨改变。 尤其当改变影响他们花了很长时间才掌握的技术,如文件系统时更是如此。

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