1. Certainly you’d want to adjust the sizes of your weekends to reflect their relative importance in relation to your weekdays.

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2. That is, a user moves the sliding thumb to indicate, by its relative position, a proportional value for use inside the program.

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3. Sliders allow users to specify numeric values in relative terms, rather than by directly keying in a number.

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4. In this dialog (an appropriately named relative of the Save As dialog), the user can move the file to any location.

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5. A close relative of the implementation-centric interface worth mentioning is the “org-chart centric” interface.

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6. The other modeless idiom is a relative newcomer on the user-interface scene but has been largely successful: namely, the toolbar.

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7. The meter should show the progress relative to the total time the process will consume rather than the total size of the process.

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8. Where is it relative to other elements?

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9. It’s important to contextualize them in terms of these goals and keywords, and to describe the rationale for each direction and its relative merits.
在展现过程中,要注意将设计方案根据目标和关键词来情境化,并描述每个方向的基本道理,以及它们各自的优点。 这些都很重要。

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10. Dragging an outline also is appropriate for most repositioning, as the outline can be moved relative to the source object, still visible in its original position.

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