1. Notice how the scenario remains at a fairly high level, without getting too specific about interfaces or technologies.

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2. That object remains selected until the user selects something else.

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3. As she moves the object, the pole moves with it, but the pole remains vertical.

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4. Although this is becoming less true as laptops gain both the power of desktop systems and wireless capabilities, it remains the case that users will, by necessity of the form factor, be stationary and out of the hubbub even when using laptops.
尽管目前笔记本电脑同时具备桌面系统和无线移动的能力,但使用场合还没有发生太多的变化。 由于笔记本电脑的物理形态因素(大小及重量等)的限制,所以在使用时,它通常还是处于静止和安静的环境中。

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5. As the user makes changes to the document, he is actually making changes to the copy in memory, while the original remains untouched on disk.

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6. The need for an incremental Undo remains, but discerning the individual components of more than the last few operations is overkill in most cases.

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7. A memorization vector formed of visual symbols in the interface is the most effective technique, yet it remains underexploited in the industry at large.

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8. Although everybody spends some minimum time as a beginner, nobody remains in that state for long.

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9. However, once you learn it, you don’t easily forget it, and your recognition remains lightning fast (whereas you still have to read the text every time).

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10. While it remains to be seen how this is received, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be effective, provided that it doesn’t get in the way of experienced users.
这种做法的效果如何,还有待观察。 不过只要不妨碍老手用户的正常使用,我们认为这种方式还是比较有效的。

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