1. Educational and entertainment kiosks vary somewhat from the strict transient posture required of more transactional kiosks.

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2. This solution has been diluted somewhat, however, by the addition of non-daily-use functions.

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3. Usability testing (also known, somewhat unfortunately, as “user testing”) is a collection of techniques used to measure characteristics of a user’s interaction with a product, usually with the goal of assessing the usability of that product.

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4. We propose a somewhat more detailed definition of human-oriented design activities:

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5. At the early stage of Requirements Definition, brainstorming assumes a somewhat ironic purpose.

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6. Similar to stakeholders, SMEs can provide valuable perspectives on a product and its users, but designers should be careful to recognize that SMEs represent a somewhat skewed perspective.
和利益关系人一样,对产品和用户能提供一些有价值的看法。 但设计师应该小心,主题专家们代表了某种有所歪曲的看法。

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7. Served personas are somewhat different from the persona types already discussed. They are not users of the product at all; however, they are directly affected by the use of the product.

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8. Spreadsheets also use contiguous selection but implement it somewhat differently than word processors do.

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9. By appropriately limiting the scope of functions, you can ameliorate this situation somewhat, but the tension between display and navigation almost always exists to some degree.

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10. These groupings may change somewhat as the design evolves (particularly as you sketch out the interface), but it’s still useful to provisionally sort elements into groups as this will speed up the process of creating initial sketches.

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