1. This can be a challenge, given the spatial limitations of the automobile dashboard, center console, and steering wheel.

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2. One more issue specific to 3D applications is the number of spatial manipulation functions that can be performed.

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3. Position can also be used to create spatial relationships between objects on the screen and objects in the physical world.

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4. Some information visualization tools use zoom to mean, “display more attribute details about objects,” a logical rather than spatial zoom.

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5. Spatial grouping makes it clear to users what tasks, data, and tools relate to each other, and can also imply sequence.

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6. Users find spatial zoom difficult enough to understand; logical zoom is arcane to all but visualization researchers and the occasional programmer.

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7. Metaphors, especially physical and spatial metaphors, have an extremely limited place in the design of most Information-Age, software-enabled products.

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8. Spatial organization of these within a pane or window is critical to minimizing extraneous mouse movements that, at best, could result in user annoyance and fatigue, and at worst, result in repetitive stress injury.

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9. Figure 11-12: Clear spatial mapping. On this stovetop, it is clear which knob maps to which burner because the spatial arrangement of knobs clearly associates each knob with a burner.
图11-12 清晰的空间位置映射,在炉顶上旋钮和火眼的映射关系非常清晰,因为旋钮的空间布局清晰地将旋钮与火炉联系起来了。

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10. These objects are also commonly selected independently of their spatial relationships with each other. We refer to these as discrete data, and their selection as discrete selection.

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