ghoul (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict[ghoul 词源字典]
1786, goul, in the English translation of William Beckford's Orientalist novel "Vathek" (which was written in French), from Arabic ghul, an evil spirit that robs graves and feeds on corpses, from ghala "he seized."[ghoul etymology, ghoul origin, 英语词源]
1886, from Indo-, comb. form of Greek Indos "India" + China. Name proposed early 19c. by Scottish poet and orientalist John Leyden, who lived and worked in India from 1803 till his death at 35 in 1811.
Orientalism (n.)youdaoicibaDictYouDict
in reference to character, style, trait, or idiom felt to be from the Orient, 1769, from oriental + -ism. Related: Orientalist.