1. But one day their mother-Mrs. Tabitha Twitchit-expected friends to tea; so she feched the kittens indoors, to wash and dress them, before the company arrived.

-- 来源 -- hshg.haoplus.com

2. Tabitha dressed Moppet and Mittens in clean pinafores and tuckes; and the she took all sorts of elegant uncomforable clothes out of a chest of drawers, in order to dress up her son Thomas.

-- 来源 -- hshg.haoplus.com

3. I thought of Betsy and Tabitha, the two lovable cats that belonged to my husband and me;

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

4. In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha, who filled her days with acts of kindness and charity

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]

5. I thought of Betsy and Tabitha, the two lovable cats that belonged to my husband and me; of Ben, the playful mutt who loved to catch Frisbees.

-- 来源 -- 网友提供