1. First, all users will become more effective.

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2. These constructs soon become cloying and distracting.

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3. Excessive choices quickly stop being a benefit and become an ordeal.

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4. But after they become intermediates, it’s a different story altogether.

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5. Unfortunately, the don’t-mode-me-in principle has become an unquestioned part of our design vernacular.

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6. When it comes to the behavior of the software, these issues become even more urgent.

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7. Idioms that have become accepted on a PC are completely inappropriate on an embedded device.

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8. Generally, each window of the interface has a distinctive look that will soon become recognizable.

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9. The cursor can become an eraser tool and erase anything previously entered, or it can become an ellipse tool and draw any number of new ellipses.

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10. We prefer the term perpetual intermediates, because although beginners quickly improve to become intermediates, they seldom go on to become experts.

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