1. To enter and occupy a beehive.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考

2. Tokyo is a human beehive of a city.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 辞典例句

3. John Hunter said of himself, "My mind is like a beehive;

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

4. Most expensive of all the treasures in a beehive is royal jelly.

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

5. The cellular construction of a beehive;the cellular nature of plant and animal tissue.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考

6. a domed beehive made of twisted straw.

-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考

7. the occupant of the honorary professorial chair; the occupants of a Beehive.

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例

8. The little hut was made of branches and was shaped like a beehive.

-- 来源 -- 新世界名著-尼洛与忠狗 - Princess Finola and the Dwarf 1-1

9. beehive hairstyle
ph.1. 蜂窝头

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络]

10. "Honey is stored in the Beehive or nest in a honeycomb, a double layer of uniform hexagonal cells constructed of Beeswax and propolis (a plant resin). The honey is used in winter as food for the Bee larvae and other members of the colony."

-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 行业