1. Butcons have the pliancy of buttons, along with the fast-recognition capability of images.

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2. To most effectively communicate the behavior and functions of a program to the people that interact with it, visual interface designers must take advantage of this innate visual processing capability.

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3. The other reasons include its space efficiency and its capability to add items dynamically, something that radio buttons cannot do.

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4. Although visualization often consumes more space, its capability to clearly communicate is well worth the pixels.

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5. Although the code may succeed or fail on its capability to successfully handle edge cases, the product will succeed or fail on its capability to successfully handle daily use and necessary cases.

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6. It takes a lot of effort to fine-tune a directory like this, and the program must remember the exact settings from session to session—otherwise, the capability to reorder things is worthless.

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7. Software frequently fails to present numerical information in a graphical way. Even rarer is the capability of software to enable graphical input.

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8. This should probably not be changed; after all, one of the strengths of the computer is its capability to have multiple copies of software running simultaneously.

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9. The biggest limitation of single-level, functional Undo occurs when a user accidentally short-circuits the capability of the Undo facility to rescue him. This problem crops up when a user doesn’t notice his mistake immediately.
单层次功能撤销的最大不足在于用户会无意中覆盖救命的撤销功能,如果用户没有立即意识到错误,就会出现问题。 例如,他删除了文本的6个段落。

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10. Although both points are certainly true, the visual interface designer can leverage one capability not available to the print information designer: interactivity.

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