1. Take the example of a purchasing clerk keying invoices into a system.

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2. If we were the bosses, we’d consider finding a replacement for this uptight, petty, sanctimonious clerk.

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3. Our clerk does this for a living and has spent thousands of hours using the application.

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4. Our clerk cannot move a document to the top of the queue unless the queue, the document, and its position in the queue can be easily seen.

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5. The data-entry clerk who fails to key in something as important as an invoice amount creates a real problem.

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6. If a clerk enters something erroneous, he needs to be informed of it via both auditory and visual feedback.

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7. In a manual system, when the clerk’s friend from the sales force calls on the phone and explains that getting the order processed speedily means additional business, the clerk can expedite that one order.

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8. However, it isn’t necessarily appropriate for the application to stop the clerk and point out this failure.

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9. This will enable our clerk to take control of the situation, and will ultimately require less policing by the application.

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10. The clerk can then use his sense of hearing to monitor the success of his inputs while he keeps his eyes on the document.

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