1. A single Compare button might more accurately represent the action to users.

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2. (compare this to a mechanical artifact of overwhelming complexity such as the space shuttle, which has 250,000 parts, only a small percentage of which are moving parts)

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3. It creates a new version every time a user saves changes to the document, and allows users to compare the different versions.

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4. You should provide a means for users to compare related variables and trends or to compare before-and-after scenarios.

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5. Just as the jump function is probably not used by a majority of TV users, the Compare button would remain one of those niceties for frequent users.

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6. Compare behaviors identified in the data to the assumptions made in the persona hypothesis.

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7. Doubtlessly, the Compare function would remain an advanced function.

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8. In fact, many transactional sites have a significant informational aspect—for example, online shoppers like to research and compare products or investments.
实际上,很多交易网站都具有显著的信息类网站的特点。 例如,在线购物者喜欢研究并比较不同的商品或者投资产品。

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9. After each interview, teams compare notes and discuss any particularly interesting trends observed or specific points brought up in the most recent interview.

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10. Say that you’d like to compare the visual effect of ragged-right margins against justified right margins. Beginning with ragged-right, you invoke Justification.

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