1. We aim for 80% contrast as a general rule of thumb.

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2. Screens that must be visible under bright lights or from a distance require high contrast and more saturated colors.

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3. By contrast, most modern word processors let you set tabs and indentations by dragging a marker on a ruler.

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4. This means it’s not the best property to contrast when your purpose is to capture a user’s attention.

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5. When two objects share properties, users will assume they are related or similar. When users perceive contrast in these properties, they assume the items are not related, and the items with the greatest contrast tend to demand our attention.

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6. Changing the brightness and contrast isn’t a tangential task but one quite integral to the purpose of the application.

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7. Now let’s contrast our bell curve of intermediates with the way that software is developed.

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8. Transformations include all image-manipulation tools—shear, sharpness, hue, rotate, contrast, and line weight.

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9. It’s also particularly important to visually differentiate (contrast) objects that exhibit different behaviors, including variants of controls such as buttons, sliders, and check boxes.

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10. Touchable objects should be large enough to be manipulated with a finger, high contrast, colorful, and well separated on the screen to avoid accidental selection.
单击对象应该足够大,这样才可以便于手指的操作,对比度要高,并且色彩要鲜明。 屏幕上各个对象之间不要太近,以防不小心误操作。

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