1. A powerful tool in the early stages of developing scenarios is to pretend the interface is magic.

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2. At the early stage of Requirements Definition, brainstorming assumes a somewhat ironic purpose.

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3. Early menus, as we’ve seen, were hierarchical.

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4. Spending too much time and effort on intricate details early in the design process discourages designers from changing course to what might be a superior solution.

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5. Early list controls handled only text. Unfortunately, that decision often affects their behavior to this day.

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6. In early stages of design, pretend the interface is magic.

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7. In early implementations, auto-scrolling worked if you dragged outside of the application’s window.

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8. Design should be evaluated before the coding begins (or at least early enough that there is time to change the implementation as designs are adjusted).

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9. At the time of writing, this idiom has only been in widespread use for a few months, and it is too early to assess its success.

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10. For example, in a complex, technical domain it is often a good idea to perform early interviews with the more patient and articulate interview subjects.

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