1. Nobody wants to remain a beginner. It is merely a rite of passage everyone must experience.

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2. Some Web portals, trying to be everything to everyone, have such navigational problems.

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3. Many online stores present confusing navigation because the designers are trying to serve everyone with one generic site.

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4. Without taking the time to understand everyone’s perspective, it is unlikely that they will feel that proposed solutions reflect their priorities.

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5. It lowers everyone’s productivity, encourages rapid, expensive, and error-causing turnover, and decreases morale, which increases the unintentional error rate of the clerks who want to do well.

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6. If, however, the software recognized these facts of human existence and addressed them directly with an appropriate user interface, everyone would benefit.

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7. A one-on-one setting promotes candor on the part of the stakeholder, and ensures that individual views are not lost in a crowd. (One of the most interesting things that can be discovered in such interviews is the extent to which everyone in a product team shares—or doesn’t share—a common vision.)

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8. The program interprets the words as the appropriate number, and everyone is satisfied.

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9. A considerate friend wants to know more about you. He remembers your likes and dislikes so that he can please you in the future. Everyone appreciates being treated according to his or her own personal tastes.

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10. The best approach is to perform a triage operation on the available functions. Divide them into three groups: Those that are definitely part of everyone’s daily use, those that are definitely not part of anyone’s daily use, and everything else.

-- 来源 -- About Face 3交互设计精髓