1. A human assistant knows that you will require a hotel room when you travel to another city, even when you don’t ask explicitly.

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2. Child windows containing documents should always be maximized inside the application unless the user explicitly instructs otherwise, or the user needs to simultaneously work in several documents to accomplish a specific task.

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3. While it’s not the most common of tasks, we certainly want to allow a user to discard all the changes she has made after opening or creating a document, so this action should be explicitly supported.

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4. Products should also watch our preferences and remember them without being asked explicitly to do so.

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5. While an attribute-based retrieval system can find documents for users without users ever having to explicitly organize documents in advance, there is also considerable value in allowing users to tag or manually specify attributes about documents.
使用者无须事先将文件组织起来,就可以利用基于属性的检索系统来查找文件。 这时如果用户可以为文档设置标签或者手工指定属性,这无疑也是非常有价值的。

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6. He should be able to explicitly specify that a given e-mail message pertains to a specific value, whether or not that value is quoted verbatim in the message.

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7. The biggest difference between versioning and other Undo systems is that the user must explicitly request the version—recording a copy or snapshot of the document.

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8. It is better to make a user ask explicitly for configuration one time in ten than it is to make a user reject the configuration interface nine times in ten.

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9. If you wanted to change an item, such as your address, first you explicitly had to ask the application permission to change it.

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10. Just as in a courtroom, where lawyers can, by virtue of their authority, bias witnesses by suggesting answers to them, designers can inadvertently bias interview subjects by implicitly (or explicitly) suggesting solutions or opinions about behaviors.
就像在法庭上一样,律师能够凭借其权威性,通过向证人建议答案来使他们产生偏见。 这里设计师也能够通过隐含(或者显式)地建议有关行为的解决方法和观点,无意识地使访谈对象产生偏见。

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