1. If you use project management or organization chart programs, you are undoubtedly familiar with this idiom.

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2. This is a familiar idiom to users of drawing programs and many word processors.

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3. The text edit control, with its familiar system font and visually articulated white box, encourages data entry.

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4. The check box is a familiar, effective idiom, but it has the same strengths and weaknesses as menus.

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5. Some might counter that the one-month-per-page calendar is better because it is easily recognizable and familiar to users.

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6. Most software users are familiar with the incremental Undo and would find a category-specific Undo novel and possibly disturbing.

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7. Figure 19-1: The familiar scrollbar, shown on the left, is one of the more difficult-to-use GUI controls.
图19-1 图中显示的是我们熟悉的滚动条,是图形用户界面中一种较难使用的控件。

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8. People don’t find it difficult to adapt to newer, more useful representations of familiar systems.

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9. A well-designed Web site interface should help its user become quickly familiar and comfortable with navigation and functionality.

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10. We encounter a problem when we bring our familiar Mechanical-Age representations over to the computer.

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