1. This RVMF is supplanted with ToolTips, which show room number and names of the occupants of the room, and highlight any important notices about the room or the residents. A numeric summary of rooms, beds, and employees is given at the top.

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2. It is much easier to change the cursor than it is to highlight drop candidates to show their drop receptivity.

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3. In particular, we’d to highlight three important groups with which interaction designers should collaborate.

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4. Instead of an error dialog, for example, data-entry fields can highlight any user input the application evaluates as suspect.

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5. The check box has a strong visual affordance for clicking; it appears as a pliant area because of a mouseover highlight or a 3D “recessed” visual treatment.
如图21-3所示,复选框有强烈的可供单击的视觉启示,它存在受范区域。 因为当鼠标经过时会突出显示,或者有三维凹进的视觉处理。

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6. Icons are a complicated topic from a cognitive standpoint, and we will only highlight a few key points here.

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7. When an object was selected for drag and drop, all the places that could receive it would visually highlight to announce their receptiveness.

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8. Target objects should always highlight, however, when a connection is dragged over them, in order to indicate willingness to accept the connection.

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9. A pushbutton needs to change from a visually raised state to a visually indented state; a check box should highlight its box but not show a check just yet.

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10. If the control is rectangular (or sometimes oval) and appears raised (due to its shadow on the right and bottom and highlight on the top and left), it has the visual affordance of an imperative.

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