1. The newly added portion of the dialog box contains added functionality, usually for advanced users or more complex, but related, operations.

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2. In particular, tools that technically minded people rely on for a significant portion of their professional responsibilities should be inflected towards a high degree of proficiency.

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3. A significant portion of the total excise of an interface is in having to explain things to the application that it should already know. For example, in your word processor, you might often reverse-out text, making it white on black.

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4. Many users who have mastered the name portion have completely given up on trying to understand the directory tree.

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5. Therefore, they need to be specifically tailored to the requirements of the software portion of the interface as well as to the goals and ergonomic needs of the user.

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6. Information-processing systems rarely handle this real-world data. They only model the rigid, repeatable data portion of transactions, a sort of skeleton of the actual transaction, which may involve dozens of meetings, travel and entertainment, names of spouses and kids, golf games, and favorite sports figures.
信息处理系统很少处理这种现实世界的数据,它们只能对事务中固定和重复的数据部分,即实际事务的摘要建模。 这些事务可能与大量的会议、旅游和娱乐、配偶和小孩的名字,以及高尔夫比赛和喜欢的体育明星有关。

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7. Unfortunately, the edit window portion of this control is unbounded, leaving users free to enter values that are out of bounds or even unintelligible garbage.
遗憾的是,这个控件的编辑窗口部分是无界的。 允许用户自由输入界限以外的值,甚至是莫名其妙的垃圾。

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8. A significant portion of computer users have some trouble using a mouse, so if we want to be successful, we must design our software in sympathy with them as well as with expert mouse users.

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9. Designing for the informational portion requires information architecture to create a strong organizational structure, whereas designing for the application portion requires interaction design to define critical behaviors.
对于内部网中数据部分的设计,需要信息构架师创建出一个严密的组织结构。 而其中应用部分的设计,则需要交互设计师定义好关键的行为。

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10. It’s not good enough just to be able to see that the items are different. Keep in mind that a significant portion of the population is color-blind, so color alone is insufficient to distinguish between selections.

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