1. For example, when you save a document for the first time in most programs, you can choose a name for the file. But almost no program lets you rename that file.

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2. The innocent user is merely trying to rename his document, and he finds himself lost in operating system arcana.

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3. rename a street, a country, a racehorse
给一条街道、 一个国家、 一匹赛马重新命名

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4. If she wants, she can make tracked or one-off copies of it, rename it, discard any changes she’s made, or change the file format.
只要她愿意,她可以创建文件的副本或者只保留一个副本。 她也可以放弃之前所做出的修改,或者改变文件格式。

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5. Attracted by this feature, the user tries to rename the file in the Explorer without first closing the document in the application.

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6. If the user decides to rename the document, he should be able to click on the title to edit it in place. What could be simpler and more direct than that?

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7. Beginners are out of luck, but experienced users learn the hard way that they can close the document, launch Windows Explorer, rename the file, return to the application, summon the Open dialog from the File menu, and reopen the document.
新手用户没有那么走运,而有经验的用户知道可以关闭文档。 打开资源管理器重新命名文件,然后返回应用程序,从文件菜单中调用打开对话框重新打开文档。

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8. He is rebuffed with a rude error message box shown in Figure 17-3. Trying to rename an open file is a sharing violation, and the operating system rejects it with a patronizing error message box.
他没有首先关闭文档,他怎么知道? 试图重新命名一个打开的文档会产生共享冲突,操作系统用一个蛮横无礼的错误消息对话框拒绝了用户。

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9. Even if the application refuses to take this “drastic” action unilaterally, it could at least show us the old file (letting us rename that one) before saving the new one. There are numerous actions that the application can take that would be more conscientious.

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10. Furthermore, if a dialog allows you to name and place a document, you might expect it would allow you to rename and replace a document as well.

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