1. Texture is seldom useful for conveying differences or calling attention, since it requires a lot of attention to distinguish.

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2. Users of these interfaces will seldom be technology-savvy and should, therefore, be presented the most simple and straightforward interfaces possible. These users are also accustomed to hardware controls.

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3. It is also important to realize that customers seldom actually use the product themselves, and when they do, they use it quite differently from the way their users do.

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4. Most users have no problem understanding the visual affordance. The problem is that the image on the face of the butcon is seldom that clear.

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5. Market segments can be used in the Research phase to limit the range of personas to target markets. However, there is seldom a one-to-one mapping between market segments and personas.

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6. Direct manipulation idioms often must be taught, but their strength is that teaching them is easy, and once taught, they are seldom forgotten. It is a classic example of idiomatic design.
直接操作习惯必须通过他人教授才能学会,但是教起来不难,通常只需指出它们。 而且一旦学过,就很少会忘记,这是一个经典的根据习惯用法设计的例子。

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7. Necessary use interactions demand pedagogy because they are seldom encountered: Users may forget how to access the function or how to perform tasks related to it.

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8. This seldom occurs in the standard development process, where hardware engineering teams regularly hand off completed mechanical and industrial designs to the software teams, who must then accommodate them, regardless of what is best from the user’s perspective.

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9. Personas are segmented along ranges of usage behavior, not demographics or buying behavior, so there is seldom a one-to-one mapping of market segments to personas.

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10. We prefer the term perpetual intermediates, because although beginners quickly improve to become intermediates, they seldom go on to become experts.

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