1. Especially as the graphics capabilities of color screens increase, it is tempting to render icons and visuals with ever-increasing detail, producing an almost photographic quality.

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2. It is very tempting to envision the dialog box that accompanies this command, but there should be no such interruption.

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3. It may be tempting to make use of an onscreen keyboard for entering data on touch screen kiosks.

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4. It is tempting to view the distinction simply as one of change over time, but these changes are interesting because they occur in response to both application state and human activity. This differentiates them from preordained temporal transitions that can be found in mechanical products and broadcast and film media (which each have their own distinct set of design patterns).

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5. In general, it only makes sense to use a treeview (no matter how tempting it may be) in the case where what is being represented is “naturally” thought of as a hierarchy (such as a family tree).

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6. It is tempting to think that this de facto cross-platform standard is a strong indication of the proven correctness of the idiom.

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7. For example, in designing clinical products, it might be tempting to lump together all nurses as having similar needs.

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8. Although visual style is a tempting diversion for many stakeholders, the use of stylized visual elements needs to be carefully controlled within an interface—particularly when designing for sovereign applications.
对于许多利益关系人来说,视觉风格像是具有诱惑力的岔道。 但在一个界面中,应该小心地控制视觉元素的风格,特别是在设计独占姿态应用时。

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9. Though it is easy and tempting to make all splitters movable, you should exercise care in choosing which ones to make movable.

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10. While it may be tempting to break up information and functions into several pages to reduce load time and visual complexity (both good objectives), also consider the potential for confusion and click fatigue on the part of your audience.

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