1. Principles are applied throughout the design process, helping us to translate tasks and requirements that arise from scenarios into formalized structures and behaviors in the interface.

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2. Personas and other models make sense out of otherwise overwhelming and confusing user data. Now that you are empowered with sophisticated models as design tools, the next chapter will show you how to employ these tools to translate user goals and needs into workable design solutions.

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3. Typically, up and down mouse movements translate into movement along one axis, whereas 45-degree-angle drags are used for each of the other two axes.

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4. This minimal working set can be determined via Goal-Directed Design methods: by using scenarios to discover the functional needs of your personas. These needs translate directly to the contents of the minimal working set.

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5. Assuming that this can be achieved in a cost-effective manner, it will translate into business success.

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6. For example, when we translate the process of typewriting with a typewriter into word processing on a computer, we are using a Mechanical-Age representation of a common task.
例如,在计算机中的字处理软件上,我们采用传统打字机的打字方式来输入。 在这种情况下,我们是在用机械时代的表现方式来处理同样的打字任务。

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7. Interaction, visual, and industrial designers must translate persona experience goals into form, behavior, motion, and auditory elements that communicate the proper feel, affect, emotion, and tone.

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8. Substantial work is often required to translate a style guide for marketing collateral into a meaningful look-and-feel for an interactive product or Web site.

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9. Interaction designers must translate life goals into high-level system capabilities, formal design concepts, and brand strategy.

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10. Items and labels that translate straightforwardly in a vacuum may become confusing when grouped with other independently translated items. Semantics of the interface need to be preserved at the higher level as well as at the detail level.

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