1. If the application is having trouble creating a connection to a server, don’t put up a dialog box to report it.

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2. We imagine that users are staying out of trouble because our trusty error messages keep them straight, but this is a delusion.

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3. The alert shown in Figure 25-4 is an example of how alerts are more trouble than help.

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4. Users frequently charge into the cave half prepared, and only start looking for the rope ladder—for Undo—after they have encountered trouble.

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5. Many users have trouble visualizing what a 1.2-inch left margin looks like; the Preview control shows them.

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6. It stops all proceedings in their tracks. Clicking on any other window belonging to the program will only get a user a rude “beep” for his trouble.

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7. What error messages really do is prevent the program from getting into trouble.

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8. When we flip the switch on the copier and it stays coldly silent instead of humming, we know that we’ve got trouble.

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9. Although satisfying the users of our products is our goal, the term user causes trouble when applied to specific design problems and contexts.

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10. Users get into plenty of trouble with our software, regardless of the quantity or quality of the error messages in it.

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