后缀:-ian ①[形容词后缀]


Egyptian 埃及的(人、语)

Mongolian 蒙古的(人、语)

Arabian 阿拉伯的(人)

Oceanian 大洋洲的(人)

Canadian 加拿大的(人)

Washingtonian 华盛顿市(州)的(人)

Shakespearian 莎士比亚的

United Statesian 美国的(人)

Parisian 巴黎的(人)

Athenian 雅典的(人)

Dickensian 狄更斯的

Newtonian 牛顿(学说)的

Christian 基督教的(徒)



grammarian 语法学家

historian 历史学家

guardian 守卫者

civilian 平民

collegian 高等学校学生

comedian 喜剧演员

tragedian 悲剧演员

lilliputian 矮子

词根词缀:can-, cann-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: reed, pipe; the word for "reed" in Hebrew, Arabic, and Egyptian was kaneh; then the word element passed into Greek and Latin, and into the languages of western Europe

【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of word units that are related, directly and/or indirectly, with "tube, pipe": aulo-; duc-, -duct (to lead, leading); fistul-; siphon-; syringo-; tub-.

【同源单词】canal, cane, canister, cannon, cannonarchy, cannonate

词根词缀:chemo-, chem-, chemico-, chemi-, -chemist, -chemic, -chemical

【来源及含义】Arabic > Greek > Latin: the art of combining base metals [to make gold]; from Greek, chemia, “Egypt”, supposedly where the art of changing metals into gold existed

【同源单词】agrichemistry, agrochemical, alchemist, alchemy, allelochemics, allochemic

词根词缀:glypto-, glypt-, -glypha, -glyph, -glyphic, -glyphous

【来源及含义】Greek: carve, carving, engraving; to hollow out; by extension, a form of writing

【相关描述】This ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, the symbol of the Egyptian scribe, will take you to an explanation of hieroglyphs for a greater understanding of these special writing symbols.

【相关词根词缀】Related "writing" units: gram-; graph-; scrib-, script-.

【同源单词】aglyphicate, aglyphous, bioglyphic, dactylioglyph, dactylioglyphy, dendriglyph

词根词缀:herm-, herme-

【来源及含义】Greek: Hermes, the son of Zeus and Maia, the god of commerce and messenger of the gods in Greek mythology; identified by the Romans as Mercury; however, some of the words in this unit come from Hermes tris megistos, Hermes Trismegistus, literally, "Hermes, Thrice the Greatest" referring to the Egyptian god Thoth, who was identified with the Greek god Hermes, of science and arts

【同源单词】herm, Hermanubis, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic, hermeneutic, hermeneutical

词根词缀:papyro-, papyr-

【来源及含义】Greek: papyros > Latin > Old French; papyrus, an Egyptian rush [a reed plant] from which material was made for writing or drawing. Used in the sense of "fibrous material on which to write or to draw"; paper

【同源单词】papyr, papyraceous, papyral, papyrian, papyriferous, papyrin

词根词缀:scrib-, script-, -scribe, -scription, -scriptive

【来源及含义】Latin: write, record

【相关描述】Writing has not always been available to the "common person". It was restricted only to the few who were educated especially for that purpose either as scribes or monks who dedicated their lives to this vocation. You can learn more about the ancient Egyptian scribes in this unit.

【相关词根词缀】Related "writing" units: glypto-; gram-; graph-.

【同源单词】adscript, antescript, ascribable, ascribe, ascript, ascription

词根词缀:sucho-, -suchus

【来源及含义】Greek: crocodile; Egyptian name for crocodile

【同源单词】Acaenasuchus, Argentinosuchus, Calyptosuchus, Desmatosuchus, Dongusuchus, Energosuchus