词根词缀:acro-, acr-

【来源及含义】Greek: high, highest, highest point; top, tip end, outermost; extreme; extremity of the body

【同源单词】acroagnosis, acroanesthesia, acroarthritis, acroasphyxia, acroataxia, acrobat


【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous

【同源单词】abdominocystic, abdominopelvic, abdominoscopy, abdominothoracic, abiogenetic, abiogenic

词根词缀:-onym, -onymy, -onymic, -onymically, -onymous, -onymously, -nym

【来源及含义】Greek: name; word

【相关词根词缀】Related "name" units: nom-; onomato-.
Related "word, words" units: etym-; legi-; lexico-; locu-; logo-; onomato-; verbo-.

【同源单词】acronym, acronym, acronymania, acronymic, acronymically, acronymous