词根词缀:-al [-ial, -eal]

【来源及含义】Latin: suffix; pertaining to, like, of the kind of, relating to, characterized by, belonging to; action of, process of

【同源单词】abacterial, abdominal, abdominal adhesion, abdominal aorta, abdominal aortic aneurysm, abdominal aortography

词根词缀:ante-, ant-

【来源及含义】Latin: before, in front of, prior to, forward; used as a prefix

【相关描述】Compare this element with anti-, meaning "against". Anti-, with the meaning of "before", is found in very few words, such as: "antipasto" (from Italian) and "anticipate" with its various forms, plus a few scientific terms.

【相关词根词缀】 Related before-word units: antero-; anti-; pre-; pro-.

【同源单词】advance, advancement, advantage, advantageous, advantageously, advantageousness


【来源及含义】Latin: prandium, literally, that which is eaten early

【相关描述】By extension, of or relating to a meal; such as, lunch or a late breakfast; however, dictionary definitions use "dinner" as the primary meaning for this element.

【同源单词】anteprandial, postprandial, prandial, preprandial