词根:ball, bol = throw, dance, ball, 表示“抛, 舞, 球”

ballroom 舞厅(ball+room房间)

ballet 芭蕾舞(ball+et→舞蹈→芭蕾舞)

balloon 气球(ball球+oon表名词)

bullet 枪弹(bull=ball球+et→小球→子弹)

ballot 投票

symbol 符号,象征(sym共同+bol抛→共同抛出的标志→象征)

symbolize 用符号表示;象征(symbol+ize)

后缀:-oon [名词后缀]


spittoon 痰盂

balloon 气球

saloon 大厅

musketoon 短枪

cartoon 动画片

bassoon 低音管,巴颂管

festoon 花彩,彩饰

macaroon 小杏仁饼


buffoon 小丑,演滑稽戏的人

quadroon (有四分之一黑人血统的)混血儿

maroon 被放逐到孤岛的人

poltroon 胆小鬼,懦夫

picaroon 流浪汉,盗贼


【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: to let down, to insert, to thrust in [kata, "down" plus hienai, "to send"]

【同源单词】arterial catheter, balloon catheter, bladder catheter, cardiac catheter, catheter, catheterization

词根词缀:celli-, cell, cells

【来源及含义】Latin: a storeroom, a chamber, a closet; by extension, of or pertaining to a cell, a microscopic protoplasmic mass made up of a nucleus enclosed in a semipermeable membrane

【相关词根词缀】 A cross reference of word units that are related, directly or indirectly, to "cell, cells, cell nucleus": cellulo-; cyto-; endothelio-; gameto-; glio-; kary-, karyo-; neuro-.

【同源单词】balloon cell nevus, basal cell nevus, beta cell, cell, cell, cellicola

词根词缀:naevus, nevus, nevo-, nev-

【来源及含义】Latin: birthmark; mole

【相关描述】Don't confuse this nevus with nurvus and even nervous (or "nerve"), which are quite different words and applications.

【同源单词】acquired nevus, balloon cell nevus, basal cell nevus, blue nevus, blue rubber blep nevus, capillary nevus