词根:spers(spars) = to sprinke, to strew, to scatter 散, 撒

  来源于拉丁语的词根spargere 意为 to sprinkle,to strew。spars 是其变形。


1. aspersion(向某人散播 a<ad(=to) + spers (=strew) )
  asperse v.洒圣水;诽谤,中伤
  The movie star's autobiography cast aspersions on every director she'd worked with. 那个电影演员在自传里诽谤了所有与她合作过的导演。

2. disperse(分别散播 di<dis(=away,apart) + spers(=strew))
  dispersal n.散布,分散;解散
  dispersion n.散布;分散
  The crowd of protesters dispersed when the police arrived. 警察一到,示威者们就散开了。

3. sparse(spars 散,-e 后缀;散-->散开-->稀疏)
  adj.稀少的,稀疏的 *spars<spers(=strew))
  sparsity n.(见上,-ity 名词后缀)稀少,稀疏
  sparse population 稀少的人口
  sparse beard 稀疏的胡须

4. intersperse(在...中间,spers 散;“撒在中间”)
  interspersion n.(见上,-ion 名词后缀)散布,散置,点缀


【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: fox; baldness; derived from "mange in foxes"; bald patches on the head

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: barba-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】alopecia, alopecia areata, alopecia capitis totalis, alopecia congenitalis, alopecia follicularis, alopecia liminaris

词根词缀:arist-, aristi-

【来源及含义】Latin: awn or beard of grain; ear of grain

【同源单词】arista, aristate, aristulate

词根词缀:barba-, barb-, barbat-

【来源及含义】Latin: beard, beardlike

【相关描述】Don't confuse this element with barbar-, meaning "foreign".

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】barb, Barbarossa, barbate, barbated, barbel, barbellate


【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: foreign, strange, outlandish

【相关描述】Don't confuse this element with barba- which means "beard".

【相关词根词缀】 Related "foreign, strange" word families: allotrio-; xeno-.

【同源单词】Barbara, barbaralalia, barbarian, barbarianess, barbarianism, barbarianize

词根词缀:capillaro-, capillar-, capillario-, capilli-, capill-

【来源及含义】Latin: of, pertaining to, or resembling hair; minute [hairlike] blood vessels that connect the arterioles and the venules

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】capillarectasia, capillariomotor, capillaritis, capillarity, capillaroscopy, capillary

词根词缀:chaeto-, chaet-, chaeti-, cheto-, chet-

【来源及含义】Greek: spine, bristle; long, flowing hair]

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】achaetous, chaeta, chaetic, chaetiferous, Chaetodon, chaetodont

词根词缀:cirro-, cirr-, cirri-

【来源及含义】Latin: curl, ringlet; tuft of hair, fringe; by extension, filament, tendril

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】cirrose, cirrous, cirrus, cirrus spissatus

词根词缀:crino-, crin-, crini- (hair)

【来源及含义】Latin: hair

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】crinal, crinatous, crinet, criniculture, criniparous, crinite

词根词缀:pilo-, pil-, pili-

【来源及含义】Latin: hair

【相关描述】Don't confuse the words in this pilo-, pil- group with the pil- or "plunder, heap up" unit.

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pogo-; tricho-; villi-.

【同源单词】capillaceous, capillary, caterpillar, depilate, depilatory, depilous