词根词缀:a-, ab-, abs-

【来源及含义】Latin: prefix; from, away, away from

【相关描述】This prefix is normally used with elements of Latin and French origins (abs- usually joins elements beginning with c, q, or t).

The form ab- is regularly used before all vowels and h; and it becomes a- before the consonants m, p, and v. The prefix apo- has similar meanings.

This list is a very small sample of the multitudes of a-, ab-, abs- prefixes that are available in dictionaries and those in this unit are only meant to present a few examples.

【同源单词】abampere, abampere centimeter squared, abampere per square centimeter, abarticular, abarticulation, abbreviate


【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: [originally, Academus/Akademus, a name of a hero in Greek mythology; then it became a gymnasium near Athens where Plato taught]

【相关描述】In the beginning, academy referred to the "olive grove of Academus" or "the groves of Academe". Plato established his school in 387 B.C. Music, philosophy, and literature were taught there. Some accounts say that Plato sat on the ground and taught while resting against the trunk of an olive tree.

Now academies generally exist as private-secondary schools, military institutions; as art, literary, and scientific societies; and institutions in the entertainment world. According to John Ayto, the more general meanings "college, place of training" derive from French.

【同源单词】academe, academia, academic, academical, academician, academicism

词根词缀:archaeo-, archeo-, archae-, arche-, archa-, archi-, -arch

【来源及含义】Greek: original [first in time], beginning, first cause, origin, ancient, primitive, from the beginning; most basic

【相关词根词缀】 Related "time" units: aevum, evum; Calendars; chrono-; horo-; pre-; Quotes: Time; tempo-.

【同源单词】antarchism, archaebacterium, archaeoastronomer, archaeoastronomy, archaeobacterium, archaeofauna

词根词缀:colpo-, colp-, kolpo-, kolp-

【来源及含义】Greek: womb, fold; vagina; from "bosom, lap, hollow"

【相关描述】The letter "k" is frequently used in place of the beginning "c" for many of these words.

【同源单词】aerocolpos, bathycolpian, colpalgia, colpectasia, colpectomy, colpedema

词根词缀:-esce, -escent, -escence

【来源及含义】Latin: beginning to be, becoming; to be somewhat; a suffix that forms nouns and adjectives

【同源单词】acaulescent, acquiescence, acquiescent, adherescent, adipescent, adolescence

词根词缀:genus, genesis-, -gen, -gene, -genesis, -genetic, -genic, -geny, -genous

【来源及含义】Latin: birth, beget; descent, origin, creation, inception, beginning, race, sort; kind, class

【同源单词】aerospace engineering, agenesis, autogenous, benign, benignant, benignantly

词根词缀:gov-, gover-

【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: to steer or to pilot a ship; to rule; a steersman

【相关描述】From Greek, kubernan, "to steer" and is related to words beginning with cyber-. From the Greek, Latin picked it up as gubernare, and guvernator, "to steer" or "to pilot a ship" from which we also get "gubernatorial".

【相关词根词缀】Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "master, lead, leading, ruler, ruling, govern": -agogic; agon-; arch-; -crat; dom-; magist-; poten-; regi-; tyran-.

【同源单词】antigovernment, extragovernmental, govern, governable, governance, governess