词根:-capit-, -capt-, -cap-


【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语名词caput, capitis, n (头)。 

【同源单词】:capital, capitalism, capitalist, capitalize, captain

词根:cap, capit = 头

  词根 cap 来源于拉丁语caput,“head”。大写字母,在一词之“头”,因此叫capital。一个国家首都,可以说是一个国家的“头脑所在”,也是capital。capital 作“资本”讲,同样源于“头”与cattle(家畜、牛群)同出一源。在最初的时候,人们的财富资本,是以他家里牛的头数来计算的,即有多少“头”。

  词根cap 的同形异源异意词根有来源于拉丁语 capere的cap,意思是“拿,抓”。


1. capital  [capit 头→首要的,-al 形容词兼名词后缀]
  adj./n. 首位的,重要的;[“首要之物”→]资本;[“首要之城”→]首都,首府;[“首要字母”→]大写字母

2. capitalism  [见上,-ism 主义]
  n. 资本主义

3. capitalist  [见上,-ist 表示人]

4. capitalize  [见上,-ize 动词后缀]

5. capitate  [capit 头,-ate 形容词后缀,...的]
  adj. 头状的

6. capitation  [capit 头,-ation 是后缀-ion 的扩展后缀]

7. decapitate  [de- 去掉,除去,capit 头,-ate 动词后缀]

8. decapitator  [见上,-ator 表示人或物]

9. captain  [capt = capit 头,-ain 表示人,“领头的人”]

10. captaincy  [见上,-cy 名词后缀]

11. chapter  [chapt = capit 头;书的中篇文章段落的“头”]

12. recapitulate  [re再次+capit头+ul+ate表动词→重新把头理出来→概括要点]

13. cabbage [cab =cap ,字母b/p相通;如:purse 钱包=burse 钱包]

词根词缀:capit-, capt-, cap-, cep-, ceps-, chapt-, chef, cip-

【来源及含义】Latin: head; leader, chief, or first

【相关描述】It may be surprising to see that a "captain" and a "chef" both belong to the same word family; however, a captain is, of course, the "head of a company of military soldiers", and a "chef is the captain of a group of cooks".

A chef, especially to those who love good food, is not a lowly official; and when it is remembered that the old saying that "an army travels on its stomach", a chef is every bit as important as a captain.

When the French borrowed words from Latin, they frequently used soft sounds. These French words, with their softer sounds, then made their way into the English language. At the same time, English borrowed words directly from Latin. So it is that in English we often have two words which share the same root, but which have different, though related, forms and meanings.

Don't confuse the words in this capit-, capt- unit with those in the cap-, cip-, "catch, seize" unit.

【同源单词】a capite ad calcem, achieve, achievement, achiever, acid rain, alopecia capitis totalis