词根词缀:ambul-, ambulat-, -ambulate, -ambulating, -ambulation -ambulator, -ambulatory, -ambulant, -ambulic, -ambulism, -ambulist

【来源及含义】Latin: to walk, take steps, move around; from "to wander, to go astray"

【同源单词】amble, amble, ambulacrum, ambulance, ambulant, ambulate


【来源及含义】Latin: around, about, surrounding, closed curve, circling, circular on all sides; literally, "in a circle"

【相关词根词缀】 Related "around, round, surrounding" units: ambi-; ampho-; circ-; cyclo-, -cycle; gyro-; peri-.

【同源单词】Antarctic Circumpolar Current, circuit, circuitous, circuitously, circuitousness, circuitry

词根词缀:-orium, -oria, -ory

【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; a place or instrument for performing the action of the main element; a place used for something

【同源单词】amatory, ambagitory, ambulatory, armory, auditorium, balneatory