词根词缀:aesth-, esth-, aesthe-, esthe-, aesthesio-, esthesio-, aesthesia-, -esthesia, -aesthetic, -esthetic, -aesthetical, -esthetical, -aesthetically, -esthetically

【来源及含义】Greek: feeling, sensation, perception

【相关词根词缀】 Related-word units meaning feeling: senso-; pass-, pati-; patho-.

【同源单词】acanthesthesia, acatamathesia, acenesthesia, acmesthesia, acmesthetic, acouesthesia

词根词缀:cente-, -centesis

【来源及含义】Greek: perforation, puncture, or tapping, as with an aspirator or needle

【同源单词】abdominal paracentesis, abdominalcentesis, abdominocentesis, amniocentesis, arthrocentesis, bathycentesis

词根词缀:para-, par-

【来源及含义】Greek: by the side of, beside, past, beyond; contrary, wrong, irregular, abnormal

【同源单词】abdominal paracentesis, acroparalysis, acroparesthesia, Ad utrumque paratus, adelphoparasite, alloparasite