词根词缀:-cide, -cides, -cidal

【来源及含义】Latin: a suffix; kill, killer; murder, to cause death, slayer; cutter; “to cut down”

【相关描述】Don’t confuse this element with the another -cide that means “to cut”; although -cide, “death”, is related to -cise, -cide, “to cut down”.

【相关词根词缀】 Related "death, dead; kill" units: lethal-; mort-; neci-; necro-; phono-; thanato-.

【同源单词】aborticide, acaricide, adulticide, algaecide, algicide, algiocide

词根词缀:sopho-, soph-, sophic, -soph, -sopher, -sophy [-osophy] -sophical, -sophically, -sophist

【来源及含义】Greek: wise, wisdom; knowledge

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "know, knowledge; learn, learning": cogni-; discip-; gno-; histor-; intellect-; learn, know; math-; sap-; sci-.

【同源单词】anthroposophic, anthroposophical, anthroposophist, anthroposophy, bathysophical, cheirosopher