
【来源及含义】Greek > Latin: a suffix; used in medicine to denote a state or condition of

【同源单词】ancylostomiasis, angiectasis, angiochalasis, angioelephantiasis, angiotelectasis, anisakiasis

词根词缀:litho-, lith-, -lith, -lithic, -lite, -liths, -lites

【来源及含义】Greek: stone, rock; hard consolidated mineral matter; hard matter formed from mineral and earth material; hard substance that is solid

【相关词根词缀】 Related "stone, rock" word families: lapid-; petro-; saxi-; stele-.

【同源单词】abyssolith, acaustobiolith, acrolith, aerolite, allotriolith, amygdalolith

词根词缀:sialo-, sial-

【来源及含义】Greek: saliva (suh LIGH vuh); spittle, foam from the mouth; the salivary glands

【相关词根词缀】Other related saliva and/or spittle units: ptyalo-; salivo-; sput-.

【同源单词】aerosialophagy, antisialagogue, asialia, galactosialidosis, glycosialorrhea, insalivation