词根词缀:glypto-, glypt-, -glypha, -glyph, -glyphic, -glyphous

【来源及含义】Greek: carve, carving, engraving; to hollow out; by extension, a form of writing

【相关描述】This ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, the symbol of the Egyptian scribe, will take you to an explanation of hieroglyphs for a greater understanding of these special writing symbols.

【相关词根词缀】Related "writing" units: gram-; graph-; scrib-, script-.

【同源单词】aglyphicate, aglyphous, bioglyphic, dactylioglyph, dactylioglyphy, dendriglyph

词根词缀:soleno-, solen-

【来源及含义】Greek: channel, pipe

【同源单词】dacryosolenitis, solenichthyes, solenoglyph