词根词缀:planta-, plant-

【来源及含义】Latin: sole of the foot; to tread down with the sole or the flat bottom or the underside of the foot; and by extension, to level the ground for sowing seeds

【相关词根词缀】 Related "foot, feet" units: melo-; ped-; podo-; -pus.

【同源单词】aquatic plant, digitoplantar, electric power plant, geographical botany, geothermal plant, medioplantar

词根词缀:scroful-, scrofulo-

【来源及含义】Latin: breeding sow

【相关描述】In the extended sense, it pertains to scrofula, a tubercular swelling, especially of the lymphatic glands [so named, perhaps, because the swelling resembles the shape of a sow or a female hog]).

【同源单词】scrofula, scrofuloderma, scrofulous, scrofulous abscess


【来源及含义】Latin: borrowed from Old French saison, seison, "a sowing, planting", from Latin sationem, "a sowing"; in Vulgar Latin, "time of sowing, seeding time"

【同源单词】season, seasonable, seasonably, seasonal, seasonally, seasoner

词根词缀:sporo-, spor-, spori-, -sporium

【来源及含义】Greek: seed, seeding; a sowing; a crop; seedtime

【同源单词】acrospore, acrosporous, androspore, anemovane, anisospore, archispore