词根词缀:-oid, -oidal, -oidism, -odic

【来源及含义】Greek: a suffix; like, resembling, similar to, form

【相关词根词缀】 Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "form, shape, appearance": eido-; figur-; form-; icono-; ideo-; imag-; morpho-; typo-.

【同源单词】acanthoid, acanthozooid, acaroid, acidoid, acromegaloidism, acrostichoid

词根词缀:tricho-, trich-, -tricha, -trichia, -trichan, -trichic, -trichosis, -trichous, -thrix, -trichum, -trichy

【来源及含义】Greek: hair [thread; filament; condition of the hair]

【相关词根词缀】 Links to other hair-related units: alopec-; barba-; Beards; capillaro-; chaeto-; cirro-; coife; crino-; Hair & Beard Styles; hirsute; pilo-; pogo-; villi-.

【同源单词】achromatrichia, achromotrichia, actinotrich, actinotrichia, amphitrichous, atrichia