
英 ['kʌstəd] 美
  • n. 英国种大苹果;人头
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costard 大苹果

来自拉丁词costa, 肋骨,边,词源同coast, accost. 因这种大苹果长相更像一根长辣椒或长肋骨而得名,而不是像通常的圆苹果。

costard (n.)
late 13c., coster, perhaps from Anglo-French or Old French coste "rib" (from Latin costa "a rib;" see coast (n.)). A kind of large apple with prominent "ribs," i.e. one having a shape more like a green pepper than a plain, round apple. Also applied derisively to "the head." Common 14c.-17c. but limited to fruit-growers afterward.
1. Costard: O, they have lived long on the alms - basket of words.
考斯特德: 噢, 他们在词语的施舍篮里生活得还真是久啊.


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