
英 [muː'ezɪn] 美 [mu'ɛzɪn]
  • n. (伊斯兰教的)报告祷告时刻的人
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muezzin 宣礼员

来自土耳其语muezzin,来自阿拉伯语mu'addin,召唤者,宣礼员,来自mu-,表方位,addin,呼 喊,召唤来祷告。

muezzin (n.)
"official who calls Muslims to prayer from the minaret of a mosque," 1580s, from Arabic muadhdhin, properly active participle of adhdhana, frequentative of adhanna "he proclaimed," from uthn "ear." Compare Hebrew he'ezin "he gave ear, heard," from ozen "ear." English spelling is from dialectal use of -z- for -dh-.